Believe It To See It – Get What You Want

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “I’ll believe it when I see it” but I believe the opposite it true, that you have to believe it first…

I’ve been speaking to lots of people about the fear of not being good enough recently, which is something we all experience from time to time.  That got me thinking about all the times I’ve manifested the things I desire and one of the common threads is that I’ve had complete self- belief and confidence that I will get it, experience it or create it.  I believed it was already mine.  

From relationships to jobs and even money, when I’m clear about exactly what it is I want, visualise it and believe it will happen, it happens.  The opposite has also been true… if I have any doubt, my reality matches my belief.

Check out my 5 min ‘Zone Of Creation’ meditation to help you get in the right headspace.

We have to be a vibrational match for the things we desire.  If we don’t believe we’ll ever get that relationship, that job, the money, the house, or whatever else, we probably won’t.  If we believe we’re not good enough, we’ll feel that way and experience situations that add to those feelings.

Lack of belief blocks us from manifesting the things we desire, as we we’ll always be holding something of ourselves back.  When we don’t fully believe, we won’t take inspired action, we’ll make excuses, become distracted and despondent and then give up before we’ve even given it a real shot.   

Everything that has ever been created began as an idea and in someone’s unwavering belief that it would become a reality.  Cars, air travel, the telephone, landing on the moon!  You wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t for someone believing in the possibility of the internet… what a mad idea that must’ve seemed to some?! – it still blows my mind… here I am typing words on a screen, that will soon be available for people to read worldwide!  

Thomas Edison attempted 10,000 times before he invented the electric light bulb!

“I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

Whatever we want to experience externally, we must believe internally first.  We need to believe in ourselves and our desires.

So if you’re feeling stuck and not experiencing the things you desire, begin by looking at your beliefs. 

  • What thoughts are you listening to?  

  • What limiting beliefs do you have?  

The first step to manifesting is to understand and let go of those blocks.  Get to know what thoughts might be cluttering your mind with fears and doubt, make room for self-affirming thoughts and new energy…

“Energy flows where attention goes!”

It also helps to clear any physical blocks.  If you want to manifest something new but are holding on to the old, how will there be room for anything?  

For example, if you’d like some new clothes but have a wardrobe full of stuff you never wear, you’re not making room for anything new and are sending a message to yourself and the universe that you need to hold on to the old as you don’t fully believe you’re going to get (or maybe deserve!?) something new.  By holding on to the old, whatever that is, we’re practicing a scarcity mentality.  

There is enough to go around but we must believe that!

Belief is one step to manifesting what we desire, we must also be completely clear on what it is we want.  Book a FREE clarity call with me and learn how you can get what you want and take fierce action towards creating the life you dream of.

Here’s to expecting and receiving miracles!

x Louise



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