I adore hearing from my clients just how much our work together transforms their lives. My clients often come to me for business training, but as Danielle La Porte says: how you do anything is how you do everything. That means it’s often their life, their relationships, their money stories and their self-confidence that is all heightened and expanded along with their business success.
I wanted to share with you this stunning interview with my client Trina Keane, on her experience of our work together:
What’s your name? Trina Keane
What do you do? I’m a Desire Map Workshop facilitator and founder of the UpStarts community and website.
How long have you been in business?
9 months
What do you LOVE about the work you do?
The dawning of purpose/passion in a client as they work through the process. The freedom to create my own terms. Tying everything I love (writing, research, spirituality, philosophy, creativity, caring, healing, intuitive readings for positive enlightenment for others) into a business I love. A sense of Purpose, Passion, Prosperity.
Where was your business at before 1:1 Coaching with Louise?
Wondering if I could pull it off. I had held a couple of workshops and loved the experience but had no clue how to proceed. I had NO IDEA how to set up any of the social media supports and I was incapable of putting myself ‘out there’.
Where is your business at now in comparison?
I’ve got a website I’m not ashamed of (miles to go though) and am beginning to build a an interested community of women in my tribe profile. I also have a plan ready to go into action shortly to approach hotels/spas with a retreat like package.
What are the big breakthroughs you’ve experienced this year?
I have worked through so many blocks with Louise through the months. Most powerfully though was coming out of the Imposter Syndrome. Also moving past the difficulty in asking for what I wanted – especially money – as I haven’t been the earner in the family. So Liberating! Certain aspects of my childhood were deeply painful and I’ve learned to go back and bring that child with me on this journey leaving behind a sense of vulnerability when I’m outside my comfort zone and developing a sense of adventure. I’ve also realised that it’s never too late to learn new skills. I didn’t ever in my wildest dreams believe that I could master any technical issue and I’ve built a website all on my own! Oh and I finally let a photographer take photographs of me. Big step. I barely allowed photos on my wedding day!
What are the biggest transformations you’ve seen in yourself?
I tell people what I do with confidence now and I’m detached from their opinion of me. That was a huge stumbling block in the past and only ever rated myself based on the approval or apparent acceptance of others.
I consider every step I take in the direction of my goal as an achievement as opposed to an insignificant drop in the ocean which was would leave me in overwhelm in the past. I’ve learned the power of mindset and seen its results. I share so much more, see and read so much more, listen so much better and communicate on a more genuine level. I’ve stepped back from ‘over protecting’ our vulnerable daughter and allowed her grow and make grown-up plans for herself – and the world didn’t fall apart.
I’ve shown my daughters that I’m backing myself and creating a life outside the world they’ve always known me and they are so proud and supportive of me. They in turn are gaining strength from that and are making huge changes in their own lives. Using all positive mentoring and tools
I’ve been learning from and watching examples in Louise, my husband approached a possible life-altering and difficult situation with enormous positivity and enthusiasm and turned it right on its head! He too is doing amazing things in his life I would not have encouraged him to do if i had not changed my outlook from fear based to opportunity. When I started out as a Desire Map facilitator I saw it as something positive to do and share. At that point I only had my friends and relations in mind. I now see that it’s much more than that and I have a business plan for 2017 which I hope will bring my workshops / retreats to my target group as a hotel/spa package. I have plans for ‘Menopower’ ‘UpStarts’ ‘UpWords’ and ‘UpRise’ packages incorporating Desire Mapping and if it’s received as well within the industry as it is with the women I’ve been chatting with, it should do well.
I could go on forever but the other thing I learned over the year is that time doesn’t make itself. There is never a ‘right’ time – the yearning of the procrastinator and we will always make time for whatever we need or want to do. In fact I believe we just LIVE IT and don’t even think about whether there is time or not.
What realisations / mindset shifts have changed things the most for you?
The biggest realisation by a mile came when Louise asked me if I was running a hobby or a business. I had a hobby mindset up until that point, believing that the people I know would build my business. I’m clear now that they won’t. They’re not my clients and whilst I’ll happily share insights etc as a friend, I now have a much more outward looking approach. Bigger and Bolder and with greater confidence.
Think back to this time last year – what limiting belief/s did you have that you don’t have anymore?
That I had no qualifications so who was I to be any kind of workshop facilitator? That I couldn’t ask for the (financial) investment I wanted and needed in myself, taking from the family funds. That I couldn’t develop or learn the skills necessary to support myself and my business. That I could be at a dinner party and answer my companion’s question ‘nd what do you do?” without referring to my girls in the first five seconds. As a result, I’ve had the amazing scenario where the entire group of women (and some men) end up sharing their story or enthusiasm for my workshops. That I can spend the day working away on my own plans and not be consumed with guilt for not shopping/cooking/cleaning/ferrying around my very grateful but expectant dependants.
What are your three top business tips for highly-motivated entrepreneurs like you, who are where you were and feeling stuck in their business and want to move forward?
- Invest in themselves by signing up to a mentor like Louise.
- Read, read, read. Explore and Research.
- Find a group or community they resonate with and share support. Anchoring and Immersing themselves here on particularly ‘wobbly’ days can be a lifesaver.
What does a day in your life and business feel like now in comparison to before you started coaching?
A business day in the past for me was following a to-do list and meeting as many as possible by the end of the day (often up to 10 O’clock at night in order to accommodate other calls on my time). Now I have built a structure and also taken Louise’s lead in setting up a schedule based on the best times of the day/days of the week for most effectiveness. I use Louise’s ABC priority scheduling technique also. I see my intentions, goals and plans as a priority and no longer ‘fit them in when I get a chance’. I fit in exercise, meditation and journaling as an essential part of the day and I view taking a nap or rest if I’m tired as fuel for a healthy mind and body. Most importantly for me, I have my own beautiful space where I have everything I need at hand. It’s my sanctuary and mostly I’m not disturbed there. I not just work smarter – I live smarter!
What were your concerns / reservations before signing up for 1:1 Coaching with Louise? Whether I could justify the investment.
What would you say to that person with those reservations now? In my case I’d never been to college. Our girls had each had opportunities for 3rd level education and we invested in whatever courses they wanted regardless of where or how much. Having committed myself to their care for the first twenty plus years of their lives and supported my husband through his years as a self-employed entrepreneur, it became my turn. The benefits to our whole family has been immeasurable. As I have learned so much and been guided so wisely and intuitively through this programme, my family has risen too, taking steps to achieve their own sense of purpose and gaining greater independence and faith in themselves. They also see me quite differently too and it’s a truly satisfying experience to see their pride in me for who I am and what I’m doing and not just as their mom – although in fairness, they’ve always shown appreciation for that too. So my message would be to take this opportunity. Ask for the support you need in the knowledge that it’s not just for yourself. As you rise, everyone around you benefits too.
What’s your website url? www.trinakeane.com
Where can we find you on social media? UpStarts Facebook Page.
P.S. If you’re looking for a coach to take your business and your entire life to a whole new level of abundance and deliciousness, to live life on your terms, and to do the work you know you’re here for… book a complimentary coaching call with me below to experience the power of coaching and see how it could support you: awakenedliving.co/complimentaryintensive
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