Be The Queen

 “A queen is wise. She has earned her serenity, not having had it bestowed on her, but having passed her tests. She has suffered and grown more beautiful because of it. She has proved she can hold her kingdom together. She has become its vision. She cares deeply about something bigger than herself.  She rules with authentic power.” Marianne Williamson

I listen to a lot of audio books, as it gives me chance to catch up on my huge list of ‘must read’ books while on the run… literally!  I love a good book when I’m running.  

I absolutely loved A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson.  If you haven’t read (or listened to) this one, I highly recommend it.

Marianne talks about living in our authentic power as women, embracing our feminine energies and really stepping up, into playing the lead in our own lives.  Not competing with men, but complimenting them.  Flowing in and out of our Yin & Yang energies, with ease.

To live confidently in our authentic, feminine power we need to tune in to our intuition, our desires, get clear on our passions and what lights us up.  I’ve been talking a lot about this with my coaching clients and in recent Desire Map workshops.  

It can be difficult to know what we truly want from life when there are so many distractions and demands for our attention.  With society setting expectations and friends and family (and sometimes strangers) dispensing well intended advice on what’s best for us, we can become confused as to which way to turn, especially if our journey is on ‘the road less travelled’.  

As an entrepreneur and actor I have often wondered if what I am doing is ‘the right’ thing… As other people’s successes and picture perfect lives sneak into my peripheral vision, I have often felt that maybe I ‘should’ join them on the highway. With social media at the forefront of our communication, it can be easy to fall into the trap of ‘despair and compare’, but it is crucial to follow our own paths to joy.  What makes someone else happy won’t necessarily be the same for you.

“It’s difficult to be clear on what you want when your mind is overrun with ideas of what you’re supposed to want.” Marianne Williamson, A Woman’s Worth.

So, how do you get clear and stick to your vision of what you really want?

Spend time alone!  Get to know yourself.

It is important to spend time alone, to ‘unplug’ and get back to our centre.  It is difficult to hear the voice of our intuition when we’re constantly surrounded but external noise and distractions.  Tune in to your internal compass by spending some quiet time alone. Meditation and walks in nature are great ways to do this.

What are you grateful for?  

When was the last time you stopped to think about what you’re grateful for?  This is a simple but powerful practice.  Gratitude tunes us in to positive emotions and feelings and highlights the things in life we love.  Try writing down 3 things each day that you’re grateful for.

What are you passionate about?

What can you not go a day without thinking about?  What things light you up and bring you joy?  Think of the things that make you feel great, things you can do by yourself, that don’t reply on other people for.  Some of the things I’m passionate about are: Bodhi Babes, acting, presenting, writing, women’s empowerment, animal welfare.

Where does life flow for you?  Where does it feel ‘sticky’?

What areas of your life feel easy and bring you happiness?  What do you have an abundance of?  Looking at the areas that are working for you will help you to recognise where you’re currently spending your energy.  It’s also important to look at what’s not working and realise which areas might need more attention.

Getting clear on what you want from life will enable you to make decisions that feel good. You’ll be able to step into your authentic power and lead a life that lights you up.  

You can ‘Be The Queen’ and lead your kingdom with grace.

x Louise

P.S.  I have a few slots open for my private 1-1 Queen Coaching Programme and would love to speak to you if you’re a purpose-driven, female entrepreneur ready to rise to the next level in your business and accelerate success this year. Book a FREE (no obligation) Clarity Call now to see if working together might be a good fit.

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