This is a daily practice, the most simple and powerful.
Asking: myself, my guides & source, each morning:
– What is is I truly desire?
– What are the 1-3 things I can do to speed up this manifestation?
– Where will you have me go? What will you have me do? What will you have me say and to who? ACIM
Tune in.
Take aligned action.
As I reflect back over the past few years and all of the things I have SEEN manifest in my business and life, this process and practice never fails.
The things that haven’t worked of felt good have been due to an external search or looking to someone / something outside of me for the answers. Or when I haven’t trusted or taken fast enough aligned action…
Ideas move on.
It’s SO much bigger than you and what you’re currently asking for is only a fraction of what’s possible for you and waiting for you to say yes and align.
This is where support, coaching and guidance come in; working with those who are able to help you to connect to your true desires, your vision, highest identity and open up to receive and SEE it all.
Life is short.
Go. For. It!
There’s nothing to create, make, manifest; really.
Everything you want already exists.
Waiting for you to:
Say yes.
Take action.
How did you…?
This is a question I get asked almost daily.
– How did you book THAT gig?
– How did you become a fully booked coach?
– How did you get that role?
– Published?
– Connection?
– Opportunity?
– Experience?
My rebel tendency serves me well in creating because I don’t play by the rules. * if you haven’t check out Gretchen Rubin’s ‘4 Tendencies’, I highly recommend it.
There are so many protocols, expectations and societal ‘rules’ about how to behave, who we can and can’t talk to and it’s so easy to put people on a pedestal BUT…
We’re ALL human!
There’s always a way to contact / connect with anyone! No matter who they are.
And deep down you know that and if you REALLY tried, you’d find it’s not that hard.
Pretty much everyone is on the www these days and because we’re all so connected online, we’re only ever a couple of steps of separation from anyone.
Your next client.
What really stops you is self-belief and fear of rejection.
You gotta ‘go for the no’
What’s the worst that can happen?
Let’s reframe it…
Next One
Every no brings you closer to the yes… and just one yes can be life-changing.
So ask. Ask again.
Skip the queue, be courageous and ask who you want for what you REALLY want.
And better yet, take the pressure off and be of service. That’s what you truly desire anyway, isn’t it!?
How can you help them?
They might say no but they might just say yes.
“what is meant for you will not pass you by”
What’s the most powerful question you can ask today?
Start with yourself.
How can I…?
Who can I…?
What can I…?
Ask powerful questions, receive powerful answers.
Then go have one interesting conversation with one inspiring person today.
See what opens up for you.
Let me know what shifts for you in the comments? 👇🏻
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